February 2022 Survey Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first Trib Scoop Survey! We know you have been desperately wanting to see the results, so here they are:

How are you doing, so far, on your New Year’s resolutions?
As it turns out, most of our co-workers didn’t declare any New Year’s resolutions this year.  Of those that did, half feel that they are only doing “OK” on sticking to them.  25% are quite proud of themselves and report to be doing “Excellent” and the last 25% openly admit to failing. For the majority - here’s to trying again in 2023!

Do you think you are better at crossword puzzles or sudoku?
Most of our co-workers pat themselves on the back after completing a good crossword puzzle.  A very small percentage of respondents seem to think they are equally good at both (probably the same ones who are rocking their NY resolutions!).  Apparently, everyone who works here hates sudoku.  Poor sudoku.

What’s your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?
Samoas were the resounding fave amongst our TTM/535 peers. Is there really any other answer? Thin mints, Tag-a-longs and Lemon-Ups gave a good effort but were beaten by a landslide of chocolate, caramel, and coconut goodness.  So…can I have samoa, please?

Which shoe do you typically put on first?
Pretty equal, but the left-foot firsts squeaked out a narrow victory.  Everyone else either doesn't wear shoes or they don't really think much about this.  Bet you will now…

How many times do you hit snooze on your alarm in the morning before getting out of bed?
Well, if everyone answered truthfully, these results are impressive.   You will be happy to know that most of us drag ourselves out of slumber after the first alarm or after just 1 snooze.  No one admitted to more than 5 times and of course there’s that small exclusive group of over-achievers who are doing great on their resolutions, haven’t met a puzzle they can’t solve and yep, don’t even use an alarm.

Thanks for playing along!  Be sure to answer this edition’s survey questions to reveal more fun things about your work friends! If you have suggestions for future survey questions, please email them to marketing@triblive.com!