Pumpkin g893da2736 1920

Pumpkin Spice - yay or nay?

We are a house divided, when it comes to pumpkin spice! The majority could take it or leave it, while 25% LOVE it and the remaining 19% hate it!
Video g5660ac317 1920

Karaoke - have you ever done it?

We are split right down the middle - 50% have and the remaining 50% have not. I'm thinking we have an idea for our next company outing?!?
Saxophone gcd27b2389 1920

Do you play an instrument? 

We're a musical group, many of us have sang karaoke, and 42% currently play or have played an instrument!

Pink gaead94d61 1920

Best gift you have ever received

We are a sentimental bunch with our favorite gifts being our children, pets, and handmade gifts. I hope you get something special this holiday season!